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It can also cause diarrhea and lead to kidney stones. This amount of vitamin C for this period of time can lead to constipation and cramping of the abdominal area.

Vitamin C During Pregnancy Food Sources Side Effects More

This is the time when you expect to get your period.

Vitamin c abortion at 8 weeks. I took 1000mg of vitamin C every 2 hours you can also take 500mg every hour until I go to sleep and make up for the missed vitamins when I wake up. Its not a recommended method for abortions. Its vitamin Cs lack of.

To see all the experiences I have collected from individuals please visit the Sharing our Wisdom section. Best time to apply. Abortion is one of the most difficult and painful periods of a womans life and it is very uncertain that a child has to go through this inhumane form of life.

Another caveat is that it can be used only up to the 4 th week of pregnancy. Women who used Vitamin C successfully - Stories from Sharing our Wisdom - I chose examples for the most part where women had a positive test. However the abortion pill works in abortion at seven weeks or 8-week pregnancy termination process too.

This is helpful in termination 2-6 weeks of pregnancy. There are no studies or statistics supporting this claim that vitamin C is successful at aborting an unwanted fetus. Right after I found out my positive result I started this routine right away.

Do not use vitamin C with bioflaviniods or anything that has Rose-hips in it. Please keep in mind there are an equal number of unsuccessful stories as well. My experience of medical abortion at 8 weeks of pregnancy By anonymous on 19102011 medical abortion abortion 8 weeks.

You can do this by using Vitamin C. Do not use vitamin C with bioflaviniods or anything that has. No Credible Evidence to Approve Vitamin C as an Abortion Agent.

Despite its testimonial use in ending a pregnancy it lacks documented evidence that supports the proposition that vitamin C to be an abortifacient. Ammy used Vitamin C by itself starting at 25 weeks. Early morning and night.

The recipe for vitamin C abortion often recommends consumption of up to 10 grams 10000 mg each day for up to 10 days. The basic claim is that vitamin C is best successful at causing a miscarriage up to the fourth week of pregnancy. Take 6-12 grams of ascorbic acid - vitamin C a day for 5-10 days.

I have read a few other peoples experiences of abortions before I had mine and found them informative and helpful so now I would like to share my story. An abortion should always be performed under medical supervision since it can lead to complications. It means taking vitamin C in high doses from the time you ovulate until you miss your period and.

For example if I go to sleep at 12mn. Originally published in Seattle alternative papers. But can taking too much vitamin C.

Confirmed with a pregnancy test and successful termination with home remedies Vitamin C Combinations with. However unlike the most rudest ways to terminating your child you can look at these so called better ways to get rid of a pregnancy with the help of Vitamin C. The pill has the potential to block the secretion of the hormone that gives life to the fetus.

When this hormone secretion is stopped the fetus is terminated without any effect. Take 6-12 grams of ascorbic acid - vitamin C a day for 5-10 days. Can vitamin C induce abortion.

Use of vitamin C is characterized by unwanted side effects such as diarrhea hemorrhage headaches kidney discomforts rashes and lack of sleep. Look for the cheap. Women who do use Vitamin C in the early days as one of their natural miscarriage methods need to consume one pill of 500 mg every hour for a period of 4 to 10 daysy At times women are asked to get up a few times in the middle of the night just to take the required number of pills during the nighth While it is not a given that Vitamin C will lead to a miscarriage taking this vitamin may just make it easier for a.

A vitamin C abortion is a self-induced abortion method that requires taking large amounts of vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid for several days in a row. Some women claim that the expulsion of the fetus is incomplete which forces you. Abortion Vacuum Cleaners and the Power WithinOne womans determination to end her pregnancy at home at 8 weeks.

Not to consume more than 6000mg of Vitamin C per day. Vitamin C is one of the safe ways to terminate an unplanned pregnancy because of its high elements that induce heat in the uterus. Generally speaking when taking vitamin C supplements its probably best not to exceed 2000 milligrams each day.

Even supporters of this method of abortion admit that it is only successful in only 3-4 women out of every 10 women that attempt it. At the time of this writing Google yielded over 400000 results when searching for vitamin C abortion and around 45000 results when searching ascorbic acid abortion While both search queries resulted in about 38 entries on PubMed nothing was found using Up-To-Date or Cochrane Collaboration. Vitamin C is toxic at that level and is not recommended.

A megadose of vitamin C is more likely to give you diarrhea or even harm your kidneys. Parsley is rich in vitamin C and a helper herb for miscarriage and abortion. Vitamin C contains pure ascorbic acid and is a water soluble vitamin which can induce abortion when used along with black cohosh.